April 16, 2011

  • that’s what I thought

    Unfortunately, sometimes the truth makes everything else a lie.

    Of course, I miss you. But that doesn’t mean the worlds stops spinning. Life goes on, and so do I.

    There are things we easily forget. People we think are easily replaceable. Relationships we throw away because we think it’s not worth our time & effort. & then there are those that we can’t let go at all, no matter how bad the memories were. We hang on to them because when all is said & done, when people finally left & relationships weaken, memories are all we would ever have.

    So here’s a piece of advice: let go when you’re hurting too much. Give up when love isn’t enough, and move on when things are not like before. For surely there is someone out there who will love you even more.

    Sometimes, when you imagine a perfect guy, you realize you’ve described a person you’ve known forever.

    Just pretend you’re in a movie. Be as brave and as full of love as the main character. Because we all need to believe in movies, sometimes.

    The pain you’re feeling is directly proportional to the importance of the person who caused it.

    When you think he’s you’re prince charming, but you’re not his cinderella, move on.

    First, there is desire. Then, passion. 
    Then, suspicion, jealousy, anger, betrayal.
    When love is for the highest bidder, there can be no trust.
    Without trust, there can be no love. 
    Jealousy, yes, jealousy will drive you mad.

    You wanna know why goodbyes hurt? It’s because
    people usually say goodbye at times when you least expect it.

    Expectations? They’ll ruin every dating experience you have.

    I never let the actions of another make me or break me and I never let a single person shake me because honestly, I don’t give a crap who hates me.

    you can’t just expect me to give up. i fight. i won’t just walk away like the rest of your life has, sorry.

    There are some things that I’ll never understand. I’ll never understand the goosebumps I get when first stepping into hot water. I’ll never understand the dreams I have with strangers in them, people I’ve never met or seen. I’ll never understand how a person can keep going back to the ones who hurt them. But what I do understand is that once we actually understand everything, the world loses its shine. Curiosity killed the cat, but that cat had nine lives.

    My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

    Women love attention. A guy needs to be pretty crazy about you in order for him to pay enough attention to make you happy long-term.

    My mom always said, “Men don’t think.” I thought she meant, “They are mistaken in their thoughts.” But they’re just not thinking anything at all. About you. They’re watching the game. That’s why they haven’t called.

    If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worth it.

    You will never understand men. Just try to understand yourself.

    you’re playing with my heart and its getting really lame. decide what you want… the girl or the game?

    Failure isn’t falling down. It’s remaining where you’ve fallen.

    maybe sometimes you have to stop waiting for someone to come along and fix what’s wrong. maybe you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and realize that no one else has the right answer. maybe sometimes you just have to be your own hero.

    In the beginning you’ll judge me, by the end, you’ll love me.

    I’m not sure about much and I always struggle to explain the way I feel. I don’t open to anyone and I keep my heart locked away. But somehow you made it leap out of my chest. Somehow you get me to tell you my deepest, darkest secrets. And somehow I might have fallen in love with you.

    ‘m just another silly teenage girl. Who keeps her hopes too high and jeans too low. Who lives by quotes and can’t ever seem to say the right thing at the right time. Just another pretty girl, looking for herself, in a big bad world.

    But there’s something in me that just keeps going on. I think it has something to do with tomorrow – that there is always one, and that everything can change when it comes.

    I hate feeling fake more than anything in the world. You wouldn’t believe what people tell you; “you’ve gotta get into college, you’ve gotta figure out what you wanna do, you’ve gotta make money” and we’re going… my God, I feel like I’m still a kid practically, but your teachers and your parents and everybody’s got everything planned out for you with high expectations. But what if it has nothing to do with you? You lose track of yourself, and that’s fake! We’re going into the future and I only have little clues as to what might be out there… sometimes I’m scared to death, and sometimes I’m really excited, and I just wish that for everybody in my class… no for everybody, that whatever you do, you do it true, even if you mess up… even if you fail. I’d rather fail doing my own thing, doing what I wanna do than doing that doing what someone else wants me to do and succeeding. I’d rather be fighting with my family than pretending it’s all okay.

    I kinda lied. It’s not because I feel worthy doing school work…
    You are the reason I go to school every day.

    i love arguing with you. you’re the only one who’s ever managed to put me in my place.

    the worst thing youu could do for love, is deny it; so when youu find that special someone, don’t let anyone or anything get in your way.

    how can a woman be happy when she’s with a man who insists on treating her as if she were any normal human being?

    Remember girls, don’t make a boy your whole life.
    Because he won’t ever make his whole life about you.
    Maybe your goodies, but not you. 

    we were the best of friends we did everything together.. all the time. its pretty pathetic how one moment, one time could change our whole friendship. from everything.. to nothing.

    Life’s not a movie, so don’t wait around for someone else to write you a happy ending.

    So if I have to leave you, I want you to know that in the end, it wasn’t because I stopped caring, but because you stopped being a friend.

    A broken promise can only be sweet if someone promised to leave but still stays.

    I know there’s sunshine beyond the rain, I know there’s good times beyond the pain.

    In my dream you are mine. But in my life, you are my dream.

    When someone tries to impress you….it simply means they are already impressed by you.

    What is a dictionary without words? What is a school without students?what is a closet without clothes? And what is me without you?

    People ask what I see in you. I say, “Everything you don’t.”

    Tears are flowing from my eyes but i can still say i’m alright with a fake smile.

    When someone has something bad to say about you, just remember…they have nothing good to say about themselves.

    When a female says “I’m ugly”, she wants to hear u say “no your not you’re beautiful”.

    I’m standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more I can take.

    It’s not that I want to forget about you, it just hurts too much to remember.

    Sometimes you have to forget how you feel; and remember what you deserve.

    What I hate the most is being put second to the one I put first.

    It’s hard to completely trust someone after they hurt you. Even after they apologize & you forgive them, a small part of you will doubt.

    Cheers to the person who broke my heart, because without them, I wouldn’t be with the person I love today.

    It’s pointless to show someone how much you care about them when they’re too busy getting somebody else’s attention.

    I need more enemies than friends. At least they can admit that they don’t like me. My friends could be saying that behind my back.

    I fear the day Facebook decides to inform users of who has viewed their profile…and how many times.

    Have you ever felt like you’re someone’s second option? Like a back up or second best? Well, I feel like that everyday.

    Some girls like bad boys because they think they can “fix” them. But they’re not a broken car and you’re no mechanic.

    She comes off as strong, but maybe she fell asleep crying. She acts like nothing is wrong, but maybe she’s just really good at lying.

    Ironic truth; the one who is good at taking care of other people is the same person who needs someone to take care of them.

    When everything in your life goes wrong, there’s always one person to put a smile on your face.

     I hate when you talk to someone every single day & then it just stops. All of a sudden neither of you say a word to each other.

    comment.sub.rec. <3

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