November 12, 2012

  • Love is worth it

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    I feel like it’s all on the verge of a turning point but I don’t know exactly what it’s going to be.

    So many people walk around with a meaningless life, they seem half-asleep even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you and devote yourself to creating something that gives you a purpose and meaning.

    Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

    We spend our whole lives telling ourselves that everything happens for a reason when in reality it’s just that we give reasons for everything that happens.

    I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.

    Even if your hands are shaking, and your faith is broken. Even as your eyes are closing, do it with a heart wide open. Say what you need to say.

    Every morning is a fresh beginning. Every day is the world made new. Today is a new day. Today is my world made new. I have lived all my life up to this moment, to come to this day. This moment -this day- is as good as any moment in all eternity. I shall make of this day -each moment of this day- a heaven on earth. This is my day of opportunity.

    Live like your last day and drink like it’s water.

    Life is a great and wondrous mystery, and the only thing we know that we have for sure is what is right here right now. Don’t miss it. 

    In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out. Usually what you wish for doesn’t fall in your lap – it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put the time and work it takes to get it. This isn’t because the universe is cruel. It’s because the universe is smart. It has its own cat-string theory and knows we don’t appreciate things that fall into our laps.

    You know what’s the most terrifying thing about admitting that you’re in love? You’re just naked. You put yourself in harm’s way and you lay down all your defenses. No clothes, no weapons. Nowhere to hide, completely vulnerable. The only thing that makes it tolerable is to believe the other person loves you back and you can trust him not to hurt you.

    You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, even months analyzing a situation, trying to put the pieces together. Justifying what could’ve, should’ve, would’ve happened. Or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and realize there’s a reason they’re down there.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one.

    It’s that feeling you get, right in your core when you look around, look at all the people you’re surrounded by…and realize that these people are home.

    There are some days where you just have to hold yourself together because there is no one to glue you back together if you fall apart.

    The fact that we show up for each other, in spite our differences, no matter what we believe, is reason enough to keep believing.

    This is life. People will screw you over. You`ll fight with your family. You`ll witness things that will change you forever. You`ll blame new lovers for things old lovers did. You`ll lose best friends you thought would always be there. You`ll come to realize that everyone has a past. You`ll cry, you`ll laugh and you`ll embarass yourself. But then, you`ll find your very own moment where none of that matters; where you can sit back and realize that shit happens to the people who can handle it and that this is who you are, and that no one should want to change you…including yourself.

    Strange, isn`t it? How negative stuff all seems to happen at once. One thing piles on top of another. But we`re resilient. We resolve whatever it is that`s weighing us down. And in the end, we`re stronger.

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